zaterdag 13 september 2008

ABC van de bowlingsport

Vandaag, lieve bowlingvrienden, behandelen we de letter P.

Pack: A full count of ten.

Par: 200 game; bowling over or under "par", etc.

Part of the building: Expression referring to the 7, 8 or 10 pin when it stands after what seems to be a perfect hit (part of the house).

Perfect game: Twelve strikes in a row with a count of 30 pins per frame resulting in a score of 300.

Pick: To knock down only the front pin from a spare leave. (cherry, chop) Picket fence: The 1-2-4-7 or 1-3-6-10 spares. (rail)

Piano keys: See "break of the boards."

Pie, Pie alley: A lane that is easy to score on.

Pin bowling: Using the entire rack of pins as a target. Before arrows, and before the break of the boards was noticeable, it was difficult to sight far down the lane since all the boards looked very similar.

Pinching the ball: Gripping the ball too hard.

Pin deck: Area 60' from the foul line where pins stand; usually has dark-colored spots where the pins are aligned.

Pindicator: Lighted display board above the pins showing which ones are standing.

Pine: Softer wood used beyond division boards; takes over where the maple "heads" end.

Pit: Space at end of lane where ball and pins wind up.

Pitch: Angle at which holes in bowling ball are drilled. Reverse pitch is a drilling that heads away from the front of the ball; positive pitch is the opposite.

Platform: Part of the lane from the very back of the ball return area to the foul line. (approach, runway)

Plugged ball: Balls which do not fit a player¹s hand can be re-drilled after being plugged. The PBA does not allow plugged balls.

Pocket: The 1-3 for right-handers and 1-2 for lefties.

Point the ball: To aim more directly at the pocket, high and tight.

Point Shot: Start from first arrow and throw over first arrow; ball goes straight at pocket. See also "swing shot" and "point shot."

Poison ivy: The 3-6-10.

Poodle: To roll a gutter ball.

Powder puff, puff ball: Slow ball that fails to carry the pins.

Powerhouse: A hard, strong ball which strikes.

Puddle: A gutter ball. Pull the rug: To have the ball just touch the headpin, at which time the pins appear to dance until the last second when they all seem to collapse at once, resulting in a strike.

Pumpkin: Ball thrown without spin that hits soft.

Punch out: To end a game from any point with all strikes.

Pushaway: Movement of the ball and starting foot together which begins the "approach."

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