woensdag 14 mei 2008

ABC van de bowlingsport

Vandaag de letter 'L'

Zoals gezegd is de letter 'L' beter vertegenwoordigd. Hier een paar wijze lessen van Lucy. Doe er je voordel mee en weet waar je het over hebt de volgende keer dat je met je vrienden staat te bowlen.

Lane: Playing surface. Wooden or urethane deck 62'10-3/4" long and 42 inches wide with ten pins spaced one foot apart 60 feet from the foul line. Pins are on and gutters are at the side, not part of, the lane. Does not include the "approach."

Late 10: When the 10 pin hesitates and is the last to go down on a strike.

Leadoff man: First man in a team lineup.

Left lateral pitch, or left side pitch: Finger or thumb hole angled away from palm of hand.

Leave: Those pins not knocked down on the first ball.

Leverage: Power generated by the sliding and lifting motion of the legs.

Lift: The upward motion of the ball imparted by the fingers at the point of release.

Light: Not full on the target pin; too much on the Jersey side.

Light seven: A hit too light on either side of the head pin resulting in the 2-4-5 or 3-5-6.

Light wood: Bowling pins that weight between three pounds and three pounds-two ounces. Three-pound six-ounce pins are required for ABC competition, but light pins produce higher scores (and, from a proprietor¹s viewpoint, shorter games).

Lilly: The 5-7-10 split.

Line: 1) The path a bowling ball takes; 2) one game of bowling.

Line ball: Straight shot at pocket on and over second arrow, breaks at back into pocket. For relatively straight ball players without huge hook. See also "swing shot" and "point shot."

Loafing: Not lifting or turning the ball properly, with the result that the ball lags and doesn¹t reach the target, usually rolling off to the right.

Loft: Portion of the swing usually associated with how far past the foul line the ball travels before it hits the lane; may be modified to increase or decrease the ball's axis of rotation.

Lofting: Throwing the ball well out onto the lane rather than rolling it.

Logs: Very heavy pins, up to four pounds in weight, used for practice.

Looper: An extra-wide hook ball, usually slow.

Loose hit: A light pocket hit, closer to directly in the 3-pin rather than on the headpin, as opposed to a high hit.

Lose count: To miss count of pins that could be knocked down. Caused by the way score is kept; a bowler on a strike leaving four on the first ball and two on the second "loses count" of the remaining four pins since the total of the next two balls is added when on a strike.

Love tap: A tap from a moving pin, usually off the wall/sideboard, which delicately knocks it down.

Low: Light or thin hit on the headpin ("low in the pocket"), as opposed to a high hit.

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