vrijdag 16 mei 2008

ABC van de bowlingsport

Deze week behandelen we de letter 'M'. Een mooie letter met mooie termen. Neem bijvoorbeeld de 'Mule ears' of de 'messenger'. Prachtige termen bij een prachtige sport.

Makeable split: Any split which does not have the two pins closest to the foul line parallel with each other.

Maples: Pins. Mark: 1) A strike or spare; 2) the point on the lane where the bowler intends to put the ball down or otherwise use as a target.

Match play: Portion of a tournament in which bowlers are pitted individually (one-on-one) against each other (rather than against the field).

Medal play: Strictly total pin scores (in other words, series, not per game or with handicap).

Messenger: A pin that comes rolling across the lane after most or all of the others have fallen.

Miss: A missed spare. (blow, error, open)

Mister Average: Name given to an absent bowler (whose average is used). It's Mrs. Average if the bowler is a lady.

Mixer: Ball with action causing the pins to bounce around.

Moat: Nickname for the gutter

Mother-in-law: 1) The 7 pin; 2) the back pin in a sleeper situation.

Move in: To start from or near the center of the approach.

Move out: To start from or near a corner position on the approach.

Mule ears: The 7-10 split. (bedposts, fence posts, goal posts, snake eyes)

Murphy: Baby split (2-7, 3-10).

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